Morning in Yosemite
Well we have been having some fun around our house, taking portraits of some of our favorite people. But what happens when the weekend plans are postponed? You head to Yosemite!
When Mike (my hubby and in-house photographer) went to bed last night, he wasn’t sure if he was going. When morning came (if 2:30 can really be considered morning?) he was off to get that sunrise shot at Glacier Point. (which didn’t happen because of the haze) While he typically flies solo on this type of trip, (really 2:30 in the AM?) this morning he woke me up to enjoy the adventure! I knew I was in trouble when he told me to NOT look at the clock!
We arrived at Glacier Point in Yosemite National Park around 5:00 in the morning. Crazy as it sounds, there were people there before us already, enjoying the ever growing light in the valley. We watched as one brave man went out onto the Overhanging Rock at Glacier Point. We’ve seen photos from the early 19th century of some of the first American visitors to the park, as they did the same. I thought those pictures were pretty amazing, but to be there and see for yourself the drop from the rock was sobering. No problem NOT going out on that rock!
After sunrise, we headed down to the valley floor for breakfast and a hike. By 8:00 we were geared up, stuffed, and on the trail from Half Dome Village to Mirror Lake. It was a great walk, with only a few spots where you had to go uphill.
The hike was mellow and the scenery tranquil, even though we had hazy skies with plenty of bugs. We wound up having to keep moving to stay ahead of the critters that were continually feasting on us. (More so Mike than me)
After our walk, we arrived back at Half Dome village, where we hit the restrooms and got in the car for the ride home. It was just about the best way to see Yosemite. Get in early, and then get the heck out of there! As we left, we were amazed at how the valley had filled up during our little walk. As we drove out Highway 41, we went through the gate and saw that the line to get into the park was just shy of Fish Camp. Guess I have to give Mike props for being able to enjoy the best of Yosemite, while not having to deal with the hassles of the park.
But really….2:30 in the morning?
Mike and Cheryl