Dia De Los Muertos
You know when you go to that restaurant that everyone is talking about, and it’s not that great? You were so excited to go, but the experience didn’t live up to the expectations? Well, this weekend I had some high expectations. Mike was scheduled to shoot some group photos, and I was going to act as his assistant. And the group? The students at the Kings Cultural Center in Armona.

I have known about the KCC for a few years, as we have had the pleasure of watching their Mariachi, and Folklorico dancers at a couple of events. That includes the Dia De Los Muertos celebration that they have every year. I mean really, what’s not to like? Food, music, dancing, traditional makeup and costumes all around my favorite holiday/birthday. So when Mike was asked to take some pictures of the group in anticipation of the celebration in October, I was so excited! (Mike was excited too, but hey I’m the one doing the writing!)

And our expectations? Met and exceeded! From the wonderful makeup, to the traditional dress, their dedication to come out early on a Saturday morning and their willingness to do whatever we asked blew us away! The hardest part of the day? All of these kids trying to keep a straight face! In between shots, they were all smiles! It was a great day, with a great group of kids. And the pictures? Wow! We are in love with the students, culture and talent that these pictures represent.

And this is just a taste of what is coming up! Remember the Dia De Los Muertos Celebration will be held on October 29th, at the Kings Cultural Center in Armona. Come out and see these amazing students and more in person!